ARCHIVE - FoxyTunes for Mozilla
Archive: Wed May 2 14:30:34 2007
Title: FoxyTunes for Mozilla
Mood: moosically inclined
Music: Accidentally In Love-Counting Crows-Films About Ghosts: the Best Of...
Just downloaded the latest foxytunes and got to bump it.
I've always used it for quick moosic navigation from my browser (it puts little buttons in the status bar to skip to next, play/pause and otherwise control iTunes). But the latest version includes a pop to their new FoxyTunes Planet website that pulls recommendations, lyrics, videos, and lots of things related to whatever you happen to be listening to.
Man this would have helped a few days ago when I had to pull in lyrics for lots of those songs.
FoxyTunes - Music without boundaries

Definitely a five toe choice :-)
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