ARCHIVE - Some religious groups start to speak out against Obama's Faith Based Initiative plans...

Archive: Mon Jul 7 13:51:29 2008
Title: Some religious groups start to speak out against Obama's Faith Based Initiative plans...
Music: Trance Euphoria 1
Obama wants to expand the faith-based initiative program, but religious charities should refuse any government money.

A whole bunch of atheist groups thought the initial "Faith Based Initiative" program was a Bad Idea (tm) from the start but they were generally shouted down and ignored by the overly loud Religious Right...

One of my biggest gripes from the beginning was that once a group starts to accept government money, it is very easy for that group to become dependent on government handouts and once they become dependent, they get in lots of trouble when the government starts asking for something to show for its money.

Well, now the first stirrings of the government wanting something back for its money are starting up... This is not going to end well for some groups who have grown fat on the government handouts... :-(


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