ARCHIVE - Credit Card Companies killed Mythbusters segment that would have exposed how bad RFID is

Archive: Sun Aug 31 16:37:19 2008
Title: Credit Card Companies killed Mythbusters segment that would have exposed how bad RFID is
Mood: annoyed
What a load of crap!

The Mythbusters (also) love to tear apart and show how things work (or don't work as the case may be). They don't take other people's word for it on claims of what works.

The vulnerabilities of RFID are widely known on the 'Net and to anyone with a lick of common sense, but RFID companies have so far been successful at keeping the general public in the dark about how vulnerable their information and safety is.

The Mythbusters would have helped spread the news of RFID's weaknesses, but they were shut down by companies who place their own bottom lines over any idea of security or safety. Just sad...

Via boingboing


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