ARCHIVE - Oh the Irony, it hurts: Pat Robertson on the inconsistencies in the Koran

Archive: Thu Mar 12 15:37:12 2009
Title: Oh the Irony, it hurts: Pat Robertson on the inconsistencies in the Koran
Mood: amused
Music: Nothing Left 1-Orbital
Mr Pot, meet Mr Kettle

In answering a question on if Christians should read the Koran:

It won't be wrong if somebody studies Islam, but they need guided study, because somebody needs to go along and point out the incredible inconsistencies in that book.

and this gem:

Many people who are Muslim don't know what the Koran says. And when you begin to tell them, they say, "Well, I don't believe that." And you say, "Well, it's in your sacred book. It's supposed to be holy words."

From reddit via Cynical-C Blog


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