ARCHIVE - Death Panels Already Exist, They are Called Corporate Health Insurace Bureaurcats

Archive: Wed Aug 12 20:08:09 2009
Title: Death Panels Already Exist, They are Called Corporate Health Insurace Bureaurcats
Mood: annoyed
Music: Trance Tuesday #054 - 8 - (2/5)
Following up some of my recent health care reform posts.

This article puts it far more succinctly than I could have. All these wingnuts are mock-terrified of government run "death panels", but we already have these death panels and they are the Insurance Companies!

Any for-proffit insurance company or hospital does not want to pay out the hundreds of thousands of dollars a patient can spend in their last few months of life. Death panels already exist as the companies try to weasel out of paying for expensive care.

Honestly I'd much prefer a government bureaucrat running a "death panel" than some minimum wage flunky from the insurance company. At least the government bureaucrat won't get a bonus if he finds some way to deny my coverage.


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