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ARCHIVE - Keith Olbermann yet again rips Bush a new one over this disastrous administration (070704b)
ARCHIVE - No Wonder We're So Fucked Up: 1 in 5 Americans believe Sun revolves around the Earth (070706b)
ARCHIVE - Followup: 50 Years of LEGO: Building the Ultimate Collector's Edition Millennium Falcon (080129)
ARCHIVE - Parenting while Male: Father Holds His Daughter's Hand on Bus, Transit Police Investigate (080513b)
ARCHIVE - Some religious groups start to speak out against Obama's Faith Based Initiative plans... (080707)
ARCHIVE - Third Wacky Theist Story of the Day: A Crucified Plastic Frog is a "Public Obscenity" (080731d)
ARCHIVE - Credit Card Companies killed Mythbusters segment that would have exposed how bad RFID is (080831)
ARCHIVE - Niqab wearing woman denied French citizenship - Muslim member of Govt says "Good" (090420)
ARCHIVE - Death Panels Already Exist, They are Called Corporate Health Insurace Bureaurcats (090812)
ARCHIVE - 86-year-old WWII vet on gay Marriage: "what do you think I fought for in Omaha Beach?" (091021)
ARCHIVE - Federal Appeals Court refuses to rule "Under God" in pledge is unconstitutional... (100311)
Blog (76 pages)
Rambling about websites past (150310) Just thinking back on how many times I have rebooted my website and how many variations on a theme I have gone through
Teach the Controversy (150312b) Just a funny image I was reminded of while perusing some Creationist posts
Debunking the Myth of the Job Stealing Immigrant (150329) Working to counter some of the GOP rhetoric
Mouse Guard Lego Display at Emerald City Comicon (150331) Lego and Mouse Guard make a good combination
Giant Train that Fixes Train Tracks (150406) Cool video of giant train that removes and replaces train tracks as it moves along
Security Theater - Metal Detectors at Sports Stadiums (150415) Doing something for the sake of doing something, not for the sake of making places safer...
Electronic Voting Done By Idiots (150417 Electronic Voting Done By Idiots) "If Virginia Elections Weren't Hacked, It's Only Because No One Tried"
Speaking of the Rich (150417 Speaking Of The Rich) The greatest trick the rich ever pulled was making us believe they pay all the taxes
"Think of The Children!!!" (150417 Think Of The Children) One of GOP's favorite anguished cries (other than "Think of the Millionaires")
House passes laws allowing mega-donors to write off their bribes (150418 Tax Exemption For Corrupution) Tax breaks for corruption
The Monkeys are Arming Themselves (150419 Monkeys Are Arming Themselves) Female Chimps Seen Making, Wielding Spears
How easily would the US military take Omaha beach today? (150427 Modern Military Vs Omaha Beach) Fun Quora Question/Answer...
Forgotten Assholes of History (150430 Forgotten Assholesof History) History lessons so we do not forget these assholes
No Sex-ed does not mean no sex... UPDATE (150504 Chlamydia Outbreak In Texas) Chlamydia outbreaks hits nearly 10 percent of small Texas school in district with no sex-ed policy
Republicans Kill Successful Birth-Control Program in Colorado (150507 Republicans Kill Co Birth Control Program) More punishment for sex
America - The Libertarian Dystopia - UPDATE 25 May, 2015 (150510 America The Libertarian Dystopia) From "E Pluribus Unum" (from many, one) to "I'm ok, fuck you"
Republicans Can't Afford Anything But War (150515 GOP Cant Afford Anything But War) The Got Our Priorities party...
27 Reasons Weird Al Is Bigger Than Ever (15052727 Reasons Weird Al Is Bigger Than Ever) Weird Al is still going strong
Religious Liberty Fans Silent As Pro-LGBTQ Pastor Jailed (150528 Religious Liberty Fans Silent As Pro LGBTQ Pastor Jailed) Bet no one saw this coming...
Bill Mahr Rails Against "Persecuted Christians" (150606 Mahr Rails Against Persecuted Christians) You would think they were under 24/7 attack from all sides. Bill shows how weak their claim is.
Three Notes About Antonin Scalia (150606 Three Notes About Antonin Scalia) This scary person sits on our highest court...
Senator Blames Obama For GOP Destroying Obamacare - UPDATED (150609 Senator Blames Obama For GOP Destroying Obamacare) Blames six-million people potentially losing insurance subsidies on Obama, not on GOP efforts to cut subsidies
Buying a Car is a Hassle (150612 Buying A Car Is A Hassle) The deliberately constructed adversarial relationship causes way more pain and trouble than it should
Supreme Vindication (150701 Supreme Vindication) No, I am not going to write something about the recent Supreme Court rulings
Of Course The Kids Are Alright (150708 Of Course The Kids Are Alright) 80's Metalheads and Groupies turned out just fine...
Virginia Drops Bad Voting Machines - UPDATED (150818 Virginia Drops Bad Voting Machines) Virginia Finally Bans "Worst Voting Machines in America"
Why do we even elect court clerks?? (150916 Why Do We Elect Clerks) Elect people who make decisions. People who just do jobs should not get voted.
Religiosity vs Everything Bad (150921 Religiosity Vs Everything Bad) For almost every measure, the more religious a region is, the worse off the people are...
New Short Story - Shenzi and Her Tail (150927 Shenzi And Her Tail) A new short story about how Shenzi lost her tail
No, Democrats are not too Liberal, they are too Conservative (151020 Democrats Are Too Conservative) People who claim Democrats are in denial and need to be Conservative, they are wrong.
Why Do Christians Believe Murder is Wrong? (151115 Why Is Murder Wrong) Is murder wrong because it’s inherently evil or only because God says it is?
Louis CK Knows Things (160119 Louis CK Knows Things) BuzzFeed : 25 Times Louis C.K. Proved He Is Our Greatest Philosopher
Corruption And Fiscal Incompetence : GOP Core Values (160204 Corruption And Fiscal Incompetence) Corruption in the sunshine state reminds us how badly the GOP runs the place when they are in charge
Corruption And Fiscal Incompetence: GOP Core Values : Part 2 (160204 Corruption And Fiscal Incompetence Part 2) Not to be outdone by Florida, Governor Snyder in Michigan shows how corruption and fiscal incompetence is done up North
A Couple of Political Links (160227 A Couple Of Political Links) Not much commentary by me, just links to a few interesting stories
Big (well, not really big, just a few this time) Link Roundup! (160227 Big Link Roundup) I have way too many tabs open and waiting so I really should share some of them
Will Stephen at TEDx New York (160314 How To Sound Smart In Your TED Talk) How to Sound Smart in your TED Talk
A Shit History of Dune (160314 Shit History Of Dune) A funny video "overview" of the Dune story and backstory
Animal Crossing Noir (160703 Animal Crossing Noir) A video series that recasts the bright world of Animal Crossing into a very dark place
All the jokes from Airplane! Ranked (160815 Airplane Jokes) Someone actually went through the movie and rated every joke
Rocket Ship X-4 (160830 Rocket Ship X 4) Short Stories written in the style of 1950's future adventure pulp
How Adam West Played a Prank Using His Local Phone Book (170612 Adam West Played A Prank) Wonderfully played prank...
TIL: WKRP Closing Lyrics Were All Gibberish (180320 TILWKRP Closing Lyrics Were All Gibberish) And here I thought I was just remembering them wrong...
West Virginia Wastes Money Drug Testing Welfare Recipients (181014 West Virginia Wastes Money On Drug Testing) Same story from the GOP playbook...
Judge Rules Voting Machines ‘Unsecure, Unreliable and Grossly Outdated’ But State Can Use Them Anyway (190815 Georgia Voting Machines Unsafe) Despite their grossly inadequate and unsafe machines, Georgia will get another election using them
Five Year Plans (210327 Five Year Plans) Welcome to the new software process, same as the old software process.
Fairy Storm (17 pages) Background and Ideas for Fairy Storm : A RPG/Story World
Freelink? (1 pages)
Gray Goat (6 pages) Adventures in Children's Literature
Life Just Is (21 pages)
Main (4 pages) Landing page for and
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Profiles? (1 pages)
Rocket Ship X 4 (17 pages) Short Stories written in the style of 1950's future adventure pulp
Shenzi (2 pages) Stories about Shenzi the kitten
Snips (1 pages) Scenes, story bits, ideas, fragments.
Stories (2 pages) Some of my more recent works
Creation Story (Creation Story) A little story that has been rattling around in my head for a few years